Face make-up covers the touch-ups to be done on our most striking area, our face. Face make-up includes make-up bases, foundations, creams, powders, blushes and all products that will add vitality and beauty to your face. You can find all make-up materials suitable for your skin in Roesia Rose's wide product selection.
Products Used in Face Makeup
Except for the make-up products used for lips, eyes and eyebrows, all of the materials are used in skin make-up. Products such as foundation, BB and CC creams and concealers help your skin look smooth and naturally in tone. Makeup bases and fixers, as the name suggests, keep makeup looking fresh throughout the day. Blush, illuminators and bronzers are products that add vitality and harmony to the skin, especially by being applied to prominent areas of the face. We can say that skin make-up materials are the building blocks of make-up. Because make-up is a whole and if you skip the skin appearance, which has the most important place in make-up, your make-up will look very incomplete. It is enough to pay attention to the appearance of someone who has a complete face make-up before and after the make-up.
Products Used in Face Makeup
Except for the make-up products used for lips, eyes and eyebrows, all of the materials are used in skin make-up. Products such as foundation, BB and CC creams and concealers help your skin look smooth and naturally in tone. Makeup bases and fixers, as the name suggests, keep makeup looking fresh throughout the day. Blush, illuminators and bronzers are products that add vitality and harmony to the skin, especially by being applied to prominent areas of the face. We can say that skin make-up materials are the building blocks of make-up. Because make-up is a whole and if you skip the skin appearance, which has the most important place in make-up, your make-up will look very incomplete. It is enough to pay attention to the appearance of someone who has a complete face make-up before and after the make-up.